Linking to Smart Phone

You will next need to program your smartphone or tablet device to run commands on your home security system.
For Android devices, check out the app called Rasbperry SSH by KnowlesOnline.
For IOS devices, check out the app called Simple Pi by Benedikt Hirmer.

To program your commands for Raspberry SSH, perform the following (see below for Simple Pi):
1. Add a button to the screen and then hold down the button once it is added.
2. In IP/Host, enter your Raspberry Pi domain name (preferably, or just your local IP address).
3. In Port, enter 22.
4. Enter your username and password.
5. Add the button text, and for the command enter:
cd /home/pi/Desktop; bash

6. You can repeat step 5 for all the buttons listed below; their commands are as follows
cd /home/pi/Desktop; bash 
cd /home/pi/Desktop; python 
cd /home/pi/Desktop; python 
cd /home/pi/Desktop; bash 
cd /home/pi/Desktop; bash 
cd /home/pi/Desktop; sudo python 
cd /home/pi/Desktop; sudo python 
cd /home/pi/Desktop; sudo python 
cd /home/pi/Desktop; sudo python 

On your phone home screen, you can add a bookmark to your live feed (the webcam icon).
Don't forget the PushBullet app and Google Drive app as well!

A similar process can be performed for IOS devices with Simple Pi.
1. Add a Host and enter: RPI | domain_name : 22 | pi
2. Use the password authentication option and enter your password
3. Click on the + symbol in the top-right corner and select "New Command"
4. Enter the command name on the first line and the actual command in the box below