Software Required

Below is a realistic list of software and costs required for this project. A description of the purpose of many of these software items is listed in the section titled "Getting Started." When running the commands listed in the table, you must be in the /home/pi/ directory. The total hardware and software costs amount to $175 for a complete security system.

Before you begin, make sure to run
sudo apt-get update
followed by
sudo apt-get upgrade
in order to obtain the most recently updated software packages.

Software Package Website or Command (performed while in /home/pi/) Current Cost
Git sudo apt-get install git Free
WiringPi git clone git://; cd wiringPi; ./build Free
Insync-portable (see Basic Information) (select armhf) Free 15-day trial, then $30
PushBullet (see 1) Free
Duck DNS (see Basic Information) (select pi) Free

(1) Unfortunately, the push notification software PushBullet is only pushing notifications on Android devices due to a bug with IOS currently. Additionally, you must have a more recent version of Python (e.g. 2.7.12) to run this software, which additionally requires new Numpy and Scipy packages, the installation of which are beyond the scope of this tutorial. If you are up to the challenge, you can register a new PushBullet account for free at